Earth 2048. MILUTIN is a thirty-seven years old astronaut. After extensive training in Russian Federation and successful missions, he applies for his most demanding flight to date, Ederlezi Corporation’s maiden voyage to Alpha Centauri.

Milutin’s astronaut profile shows difficulties in his personal life. Hurt by several women in the past, Ederlezi instructs he will be accompanied by an android on this trip. A custom-made female, called NIMANI, who will be drawn from Milutin’s own psychological profile. With different behavioral modes, Nimani will be Milutin’s total companion and fulfill all his needs.

As the ship cruises to the far reaches of the galaxy, Milutin and Nimani, its only passengers, fulfill their roles as crew and caretakers. They also embark in a torrid sexual affair and Milutin falls in love.

Eventually, Milutin becomes disillusioned by Nimani’s pre-set behavior. With the help of the ship’s computer he decides to eradicate her Ederlezi software so her operating system is based solely on experiences with him. However, after completing the re-boot, Nimani is frustrated and angry. Milutin ironically faces exactly what he desired, true emotions.

Unable to handle their complex human relationship and, what she perceives as Milutin’s betrayal, Nimani commits her own act of self-destruction. Desperate not to lose her, Milutin undertakes a life-risking mission to recharge her batteries, which can only be done using the solar panel on the exterior of the ship.

During the spacewalk, Milutin is badly hurt by radioactive solar rays and barely makes it back inside the ship. In the final moments before her cells deplete, Nimani awakens to discover Milutin’s great sacrifice to save her, and the very essence of human love.

EDERLEZI RISING is a bold new science-fiction film, a visual, breath-taking analogy on the essence of human emotion against the complex new relationship between man and machine.